Joel newton
Senior Pastor
Ephesians 2:19-20 says, "So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God...Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone." I was welcomed into God's family in Kansas City, grew up and was confirmed in Rockford, Illinois, and got to study in Christian community at Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska and Concordia Seminary in Saint Louis. The Lord has blessed me with my wife Sarah and our children George, Norah, Katy, and Molly. I love welcoming others into the family and exploring together what it means to live and work in the Resurrection hope!

david kottlowski
David P. Kottlowski is a retired second-career LCMS pastor. He attended Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne, serving his vicarage at Mason City and Ventura, Iowa. He then served congregations in southern Minnesota and northwest Iowa. Pastor Kottlowski is assisting Pastor Newton during St. Paul’s vacancy by preaching, pulpit supply, visiting member shut-ins, and otherwise as needed. Pastor met his wife, Viviane, while serving as a Marine Security Guard at the American Embassy in Brussels, Belgium. They married after release from active duty. Viviane was born to an English father and Belgian mother; she speaks French, Dutch and English. Together they have two married children each with four children. Pastor Kottlowski worked over 20 years in the business world before seminary, as a CPA with Price Waterhouse, as Director of Financial Accounting at IBP, Inc., among others.

Kathy Olson
Office Manager
Kathy Olson has been the Office Manager and Secretary at St. Paul since June 2016. She grew up in a very small town in northwest Iowa and is a graduate of Iowa State University with a Bachelor of Science in Journalism and Mass Communication. She is the parent of three adult children and became a grandmother in 2023. Kathy has been an active member of St. Paul and LWML since 1997. Before coming to St. Paul she worked in an accounting office, in sales and marketing, as well as photography. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her children and grandson, reading, crossword puzzles, walking, and following the Cyclones (go State!).

Ezekiel grabau
Ezekiel Grabau grew up in Waterville, MN, where his father served as a pastor for nearly twenty years. His passion for the ministry was ignited from a very young age by visiting shut-ins with his Pa. This desire to share the love of Christ was encouraged by volunteering at Camp Matz, a camp in Wisconsin for adults with developmental disabilities, and Camp Omega. Ezekiel attended Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato where he learned Greek and Hebrew and earned a Bachelors Degree with a major in English and minor in Psychology in 2021. After a year break, he attended Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN. While beginning his formation for pastoral ministry, Ezekiel met his dear wife, RuthAnn, who is preparing to serve God’s Church as a deaconess. They were married June 22, 2024 just before coming to live in Perry, IA. Ezekiel officially began his vicarage at St. Paul Lutheran Church July 8 and will be growing and serving with you for a year.
“For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” - 1 Corinthians 2:2
“For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” - 1 Corinthians 2:2

Laura Nelson
Director of Youth Ministry
Laura Nelson and her husband Zack recently relocated back to Iowa from Arizona, where Laura served as the Director of Children and Youth Ministries at Trinity Lutheran Church and School for over seven years. She is currently pursuing a Theological Studies (BA) and Director of Church Ministry (Level 3) degree at Concordia University Wisconsin. Zack is an Event Manager at Arizona State University, working mostly remote. Zack and Laura have a daughter, Abbi, who works as a Rehabilitation Counselor for Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services and is married to Christian, a Midwest Regional Account Manager for Envirotech. Abbi and Christian live in Bondurant with their two children, Cooper and Brinley. Laura and Zack are thrilled to be back in Iowa, where they enjoy many precious moments with their grandkids and are close to family again. Laura's prior experience gives her a deep understanding of LCMS congregational and Christian education efforts, events, mission projects, and outreach opportunities for the youth, and she is excited to continue serving His children at St. Paul Lutheran Church.
2024-2025 Church Council
This is the governing board of our congregation, who represent and are accountable to the voting membership our congregation. Terms run from June 30 to July 1.

Duane Suhr
President Elect
If you'd like to know more about the congregation, please reach out to me.

Joel Ott
Financial Secretary
Are you willing to help us count the weekly offerings, we'd love your help!

David Reddel
If you're interested in serving on a board or committee, let me know!
Kaleb Grev
Assistant Treasurer
I'm responsible for processing payments for the congregation.
Bob Peters
Church Treasurer
Would you like to know more about the finances of the congregation?

Traci Haselhuhn
Board of Christian Education
Mike Sickels
Property Board

Josh Remington
Board of Evangelism
Malisa Davies
Board of Youth
Ken Kise
Board of Stewardship
This is our board of spiritual oversight in our congregation, who work with our Pastors to provide God's Word and christian care to our congregation.