Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 19:14
Throughout time and history, our God has commanded His people to pass down the faith that they have received to the next generation. We see it as a great privilege and responsibility to pass down the faith in and of our Lord Jesus Christ to each and every child that we come into contact with here at Saint Paul. For, not only are we equipping the next generation for the service that they will do in Christ's name in the future, but we each continue grow in our understanding of who Jesus is, and how to talk about His work at the present time. If there is any way that we can come alongside you, as a parent, grandparent, or loving friend of our children, please do not hesitate to let us know!

sunday school
9:15AM - 10:30AM
Sunday School Schedule
· 9:15am Check in for Preschool through 5th grade begins in the Fellowship Hall with Jon Jero. Supervised play time until class begins. Parents please note: Donuts served in FLC.
· 9:30am Sunday School classes begin
· Preschool-5th: music with Jon, lesson with teachers, activity or craft time
· 6th-8th graders and 9th-12th graders will be in separate youth rooms – Yep! You read that right! Junior and Senior youth will both have dedicated youth spaces!
· 10:30am Sunday School ends. Preschool through 5th graders signed out with Jon Jero.
· 9:15am Check in for Preschool through 5th grade begins in the Fellowship Hall with Jon Jero. Supervised play time until class begins. Parents please note: Donuts served in FLC.
· 9:30am Sunday School classes begin
· Preschool-5th: music with Jon, lesson with teachers, activity or craft time
· 6th-8th graders and 9th-12th graders will be in separate youth rooms – Yep! You read that right! Junior and Senior youth will both have dedicated youth spaces!
· 10:30am Sunday School ends. Preschool through 5th graders signed out with Jon Jero.

midweek education classes
Midweek has been expanded to offer classes for all ages, nursery through adult.
Wednesday Midweek Schedule
· 5:00-6:00pm Optional, simple, grab & go meal and fellowship in the FLC
· 5:30-6:00pm Check in for Preschool through 5th grade begins in the Fellowship Hall with Traci Haselhuhn, optional supervised play time until class begins.
· 6:00pm Classes for all ages begin
Nursery will be staffed for one hour
· Preschool, K/1st, 2nd/3rd, and 4th/5th classes will start with music and then lessons with their teachers, activities, and crafts, before ending in the Fellowship Hall
· 6-8th grade (Confirmation class) and 9-12th grade (high school class) will meet in separate youth rooms.
· Adult class will meet in the Sanctuary
· 7:00pm Midweek classes for all ages ends. Note for parents: please sign out your children, Preschool-5th graders, in the Fellowship Hall.
· 7:00-7:30pm Worship in the Sanctuary
Wednesday Midweek Schedule
· 5:00-6:00pm Optional, simple, grab & go meal and fellowship in the FLC
· 5:30-6:00pm Check in for Preschool through 5th grade begins in the Fellowship Hall with Traci Haselhuhn, optional supervised play time until class begins.
· 6:00pm Classes for all ages begin
Nursery will be staffed for one hour
· Preschool, K/1st, 2nd/3rd, and 4th/5th classes will start with music and then lessons with their teachers, activities, and crafts, before ending in the Fellowship Hall
· 6-8th grade (Confirmation class) and 9-12th grade (high school class) will meet in separate youth rooms.
· Adult class will meet in the Sanctuary
· 7:00pm Midweek classes for all ages ends. Note for parents: please sign out your children, Preschool-5th graders, in the Fellowship Hall.
· 7:00-7:30pm Worship in the Sanctuary

Tuesday, March 4, 2025