Growing together
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
In a day and age when we can instantly be connected with anyone around the globe, we struggle to build community. While we try to recreate community over social media and technology, it simply isn't the same. It's a replica, at best, of what the Lord God created His creation to have with Him and one another from the beginning. And community, founded upon the love that Christ has shown to each of us and that we strive to share with one another, is what we desire each person to experience as they join us for anything and everything.


Young Adult Group
Homebuilders is specifically designed for younger families. There's time and space for the children to play (child care provided), and for parents to study God's Word and encourage one another in their families cultivation of the faith in their homes. Join them the first Sunday of each month from 4-5:30pm (check calendar page for exact dates).
As much as social media wants us to believe that we can create community online, let's be honest: we've tried, and it just isn't the same as gathering together in person. So, as a group of Young Adults here at Saint Paul, we've chosen to come together twice a month, to study God's Word, listen to one another, and support one another in anything we might be experiencing.