Weekend Service Times: Sunday 8:00 am and 10:45 am

Rooted in Christ

Growing in Grace

Reaching the Lost

WELCOME TO St. Paul Lutheran Church

Here at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Ankeny, Iowa, we are a unique community of individuals who have been brought together by Our Lord Jesus Christ. We desire to remain Rooted in Christ, by growing in His grace, through the gifts of His Word and Sacraments that He has given to us, so that we might go out, and reach those who are lost, where they are, that they might hear the best news that they could ever hear: the Gospel, the Good News of Christ has accomplished for them, that He might have a relationship with them.

Service Times

Sundays at 8:00 am and 10:45 am

Our services follow one of the historic Liturgies of the Lutheran faith, and is coupled with Bible-based preaching, 
and the celebration of the Lord's Supper on a weekly basis. 

Please visit the calendar page to verify services and times.

Christian Education Hour

Sunday Mornings

Adult Bible Study

9:30am Family Life Center
Grab your coffee and join us for adult Bible study in the FLC.


Sunday Morning Youth Bible Study

9:30am Youth Rooms
Junior youth (grades 6-8) and senior youth (grades 9-12) meet separately.
You don’t want to miss this wild journey of faith exploration as we dive into the lectionary and learn more about Jesus and our identity in Him. Join us in conversational Bible Sundays from 9:30am to 10:30am (junior youth with Vicar and senior youth with Laura Nelson), experience the thrill of exploring Jesus’ teachings, and discover for yourself the many wonders of God!

Sunday School

9:15am Fellowship Hall
Children from preschool through fifth grade meet in the Fellowship Hall. 


Wednesdays in march

Services at Noon and 7:00pm

This Lent season, we prepare to remember Christ’s death and resurrection on the cross.
We invite our friends, family and neighbors to join us!

Worship Service videos


Our 10:45am worship service is  livestreamed via our YouTube page.

We are no  longer asking people to complete an online attendance card. 

march 2025  Newsletter 

Download the most recent edition of our monthly newsletter, The Epistle, to keep up to date on what's happening at St. Paul.

sunday morning fellowship 

Between services on Sunday mornings you are welcome to join in a time of fellowship in the Family Life Center. Members of church boards take turns serving donuts and coffee. At 9:30am stick around for Bible study!

If you'd like to help serve coffee and donuts, contact one of the church boards or the church office and we'll get you in touch with the right people! 

visit us

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